Jul 29, 2020


In this section we are going to learn about LENS.This Topic is so important for all competitive exams and here you will get a detailed knowledge about Convex and Concave Lens

  • A lens is a transparent medium bounded by two surfaces atleast one of which is a curved surface.

  • Convex lens (Converging lens) is thicker at the centre and narrower at the edges.

  •  It is used in optical instruments such as microscope, telescope etc for magnifying images.

  • Concave lens (diverging lens) is narrower at the centre and thicker at the edges.

  • Type of image formed by diverging lens - Small, virtual image

  • Lens is not used in pinhole camera.

  • The ability of an optical instrument to produce separate images of two objects clearly is called - Resolving Power

  • Focal length and power of a concave lens is always negative.

  • Focal length and power of a convex lens is always positive.

  • When a convex lens is placed in water is focal length - Increases

  • Power of a lens increases as its focal length - decreases.

  • World's fastest radio telescope was constructed by - Australia

  • The world's largest Radio Telescope - FAST (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope) (launched in China)

  • Power is the reciprocal of focal length P=1/f

  • Persistence of vision of human eye is 1/16 seconds

  • Speed of Modern movies is 24 frames per seconds.

  • Short sight can be rectified by using Concave lens

  • Long sight can be rectified by using Convex lens

  • Convex lens is also known as Converging lens 

  • Concave lens is also known as Diverging lens 

  • The lens in Human Eye - Convex Lens

  • Image formed in Convex lens - Real and inverted

  • Image formed in Concave lens - Virtual and erect 

  • Power of a lens is measured in - Dioptre 

  • Lens used as magnifying glass - Convex Lens

  • Lens used in Microscope and Telescope - Convex Lens

  • Short sight and long sight can be corrected together by - Bifocal Lens

  • Bifocal Lens was invented by Benjamin Franklin

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